Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Easy A - Film Review

   It is not new that women as looked as the submissive in the male dominated world. This statement does not end there, it extends a depth further to explains that women are victimized as sexual subjects, may it be in films, commercials or print advertisements in newspapers. The cliché concept of women attracts men easier and giving women inferior complex in terms of looks and physique may also be observed. There has been many campaigns and ways applied to interpret matters in terms of the female perspectives for the male dominated world to understand. In filmmaking, it is known to be the feminist film theory. In this review, the movie Easy A (Will Gluck, 2010) is analyzed based on the Feminist Film theory.
   In common words, feminist film theory speaks about perspectives of female population, of how they observe the world and society. For example, in terms of film audiences, different female may perceive and observe different issues in the own perspectives. For example, 3 perspectives of looking At how male characters are looking at the female character in the film is observed. Besides that, the perspectives of audience in cinema looking at the female character in the film is then identified. Also , audience in cinema looking through the eyes of the male character who is looking at the female character is perceived in this theoretical observation. These different category of women perspectives combined and analyzed is considered as The Gaze in the feminist film theory. Apart from that, how a female is being portrayed in a film may be another factor to be analyzed in the feminist film theory. Like said above, women are portrayed to be weaker compared to men in the past generations and shown as sexual objects through their physical presence. The way of questioning women’s expression in terms of her subjectivity and succeeding her goals initiated in 1920s’. In this theory, women’s position and role in the society is measured against the stereotypes headed against them.
   To simplify the film in short, Easy A is about Olive Penderghast, a nerdy character who has boring daily routine as a high school student. She then tries to spice up her social living by telling her best friend Rhiannon, to that she lost her virginity, hoping that it would turn her into a cooler person in the eye of her friend. But things turns haywire, when an unwanted busybody classmate, Marianne overhears the conversation. Marianne speads the heard conversation to everyone around the high school and that changes Olive’s life upside down. She is looked as a horrendous individual by Marianne’s group of holy friends and stereotyped by the majority in her school. That takes away Olive’s friends and happiness along.

   Firstly, the application of feminist film theory may be observed when Olive is judged and stereotyped as a slut after losing her virginity. The imbalance and one sided perception of men losing virginity being accepted as a sign of coolness is not applied to the lifestyle of a woman, and that has been well resembled in the film, Easy A. In reflection to the issue, the film lifted the characterization of Olive by breaking stereotypes and portraying the female strength when Olive accepts the criticism and way she is looked and goes on with her routine. This way of breaking stereotypes can be observed when she changes her physical appearance and female representation, changing her hair colour to red, being different to other females in the school who are either with black or blonde hair. During the portrayal of Olive’s character in the second half of the film, women empowerment can be observed as it rises the freedom of expression from female perspectives. For example, Olive allow others to judge her act by giving permission to more guys to spread rumors about them losing their virginity to her. During the film, the filmmaker has portrayed the tendency for women wanting to be looked at or women as exhibits and men as voyeur who likes to observe women. For example, the scenes where Olive changes her outlook and walks in the locker pathway in school, many guy turns around and make her the centre of attraction. That act rise jealousy among other girls surrounding her. This solely explains that women favour men looking at them.
  Finally, to explain the film from other aspects, the post modernism theory may be observed in terms of the dialogue. For example, Olive having her conversation with her family. This adaptation solely shows a new way of conversation between parents and children in a more open minded perspectives. Besides that, the linear structure applied in terms of the narration of Olive in the film has been well portrayed throughout. To end, this piece of product has been well presented in terms of the feminist film theory by director, Will Gluck and screenplay writer Bert V. Royal. Emma Stone needs no introduction on her screen presence as she is well known among the film audiences of current era. Her intellectuality of delivering her character as Olive Penderghast has been well framed by cinematographer, Michael Grady. This film is a must watch for women who are into feminism to enhance their understanding on women empowerment.

 Robert Ebert (September, 2010) Easy A. Retrieved from:

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